Friday, April 3, 2009

Caught Off Balance

I was sitting at my front door last night with my [fifty pound] dog in my lap, waiting for Shawn to show up. She perked her head up and slanted it sideways watching something. I figured she saw a squirrel or someone walking their dog, but when I looked I saw nothing. I watched her ears perk up and her eyebrows shift together, and I tried to trace the path to where her eyes were gazing. I finally noticed that she was watching a bird that had recently landed on a tree limb in my front yard. I was watching this bird, too, and saw that it looked like it was not moving, however the flimsy branch was wobbling up and down. I realized then that it was using it's neck, bending it every which way, to keep it's head straight and sturdy so it would not lose it's balance. At this sight, I had an epiphany. So many of us are taught to think with our heads and be logical, but what if we thought with our necks? What if we concentrated more on the direction of our necks and not so much on our brains? Would we not be more careful and focused? Our neck is the exact part of our anatomy that ensures we do not lose our balance... along with our cerebellum. But maybe, just maybe, we should rely more on our necks to keep us in line and less on our brain.

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